It's a new year and time to get motivated. We Can Do It! 💪. Psyched to be included in Tattly's new inspirational collection, not once but twice!
See Tattly's original post here. And check out more Paper Jam Press and Tattly colab's here!
Check out the recap of our recent giveaway with our friends PF Candle Co that took place during the holidays. We asked people to share what they love about the season. All the feels for the love shared by everyone.
@spress: "Being able to share both Christmas and Hanukkah traditions together!"
@mmgoulet "I love the holidays because everyone comes home and there are so many loved ones around and it's the season for all things loving"
@charityvictoria "I love it all! Seeing family, cozy snowy mornings, the cheesy movies, making cookies and pie, coffee with homemade whipped cream, the hope of a new year approaching..."
Head on over to PF Candle Co. to check out their awesome stuff!
Anthony Burrill speaks about his numerous Etsy WORK HARD rip-offs and asks some hard questions. We can relate.
"The weird thing is I’ve never joined Etsy, I’ve never sold any of my prints there. Yet there’s lots of my work to be seen there. In fact there are currently almost 100 versions of my print WORK HARD & BE NICE TO PEOPLE on the site, unfortunately none of them are by me."
"Should I be OK with it and accept it as part of how a piece of work gains popularity and eventually gets replicated over and over? Or should I email every one of the people who’ve made their own version, pointing out the error of their ways?"
Here's some rip offs of our work on Etsy being sold by Printed Sugar. SO yeah,
we can relate.
Read the rest of Anthony Burrill's interview here.